TypeScript SDK
@mysten/sui v1.0

TS SDK v1.0 Migration Guide

We are excited to announce the 1.0 release of the Typescript SDK. This release includes a lot of new features, as well as as number of renames, and cleanup of old APIs that no longer make sense.

This migration guide will primarily focus on helping migrate existing features that have changed in this release, and won't cover all the new features that have been added, but here are some highlights:

The majority of changes in this release are in the @mysten/sui package, but the changes to API require some breaking changes across all the Typescript SDKs. You can find migration guides for all affected packages below:

Changes to @mysten/sui

As part of the 1.0 release the @mysten/sui.js package has been renamed to @mysten/sui

To upgrade to the new version, uninstall the old package and install the new one:

npm uninstall @mysten/sui.js
npm install @mysten/sui

Then update all imports to use the new package name:

- import { SuiClient } from '@mysten/sui.js'
+ import { SuiClient } from '@mysten/sui'


The largest changes in the 1.0 release are all centered around how Transactions are built and executed. This includes are complete rewrite of the internal representation of transactions, as well as as changes to the terminology used in the SDK and corresponding documentation.

The TransactionBlock class has been renamed to Transaction, and most methods and properties that previously used transactionBlock have been updated to use transaction instead.

The distinction between TransactionBlocks and transactions has been a source of confusion for many people. With this release we are hoping to disambiguate these terms, and similar changes will be coming to other parts of the SUI ecosystem in the future.

A Transaction now refers to a Programable Transaction Block, which consists of 1 or more commands (previously called transactions). A Command refers to a single step in Programable Transaction Block.


The TransactionBlock class has been renamed to Transaction, along with many related APIs:

  • TransactionBlock -> Transaction
  • isTransactionBlock -> isTransaction
  • TransactionBlockInput -> TransactionInput
  • signer.signTransactionBlock -> signer.signTransaction
  • pubkey.verifyTransactionBlock -> pubkey.verifyTransaction
  • suiClient.waitForTransactionBlock({ transactionBlock }) -> suiClient.waitForTransaction({ transaction })
  • suiClient.signAndExecuteTransactionBlock({ transactionBlock }) -> suiClient.signAndExecuteTransaction({ transaction })

There are a few methods on SuiClient that retain the TransactionBlock name because they correspond to specific JSON RPC calls. The following methods are unchanged:

  • suiClient.getTransactionBlock
  • suiClient.queryTransactionBlocks
  • suiClient.executeTransactionBlock
  • suiClient.dryRunTransactionBlock
  • suiClient.devInspectTransactionBlock

Building Transactions

With the introduction of the Transaction plugin API, and Transaction Intents, serializing transactions is now an asynchronous process.

transaction.serialize() has been deprecated in favor of transaction.toJSON(). The toJSON method will invoke any serialization plugins used by the transaction, and return JSON in a new Transaction JSON Format.

We have also removed the protocol config and limits options since enforcing these limits in the Transaction builder adds little practical value, and required additional API calls every time a transaction was build.

Cloning a Transaction

Cloning a transaction can now be done the transaction.from rather than the TransactionBlock constructor:

- const newTransaction = new TransactionBlock(oldTransaction)
+ const newTransaction = Transaction.from(oldTransaction)

transaction.blockData -> transaction.getData()

The blockData property has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. A new txb.getData() method has been added, and returns the new internal representation of a TransactionBlock. The blockData property will continue to return the old representation to allow a more gradual migration, but will be removed in a future minor release.


The previously deprecated uses of txb.pure have now been removed. transaction.pure() used to accept raw values at would attempt to infer the correct BCS encoding based on usage. This behavior was the source of a lot of bugs and confusion. transaction.pure() now accepts serialized bcs values, and includes a number of helper method for the most common cases.

The latest release of the BCS library has also removed its type registry, so the transaction.pure can no longer be called with a bcs type-name. All pure values must now either be serialized using the bcs library, or use one of the provided helper methods.

- txb.pure('0x123')
+ txb.pure.address('0x123')
+ txb.pure(bcs.Address.serialize('0x123'))
- txb.pure(123)
+ txb.pure.u64(123n)
+ txb.pure(bcs.U64.serialize(123n))
- txb.pure(123, 'u64')
+ txb.pure.u64(123n)
- txb.pure(['0x123'], 'vector<address>')
+ txb.pure(bcs.vector(bcs.Address).serialize(['0x123']))


The Transactions export has been renamed to Commands and some of the options have been renamed:

- import { Transactions } from '@mysten/sui/transactions'
+ import { Commands } from '@mysten/sui/transactions'
   type: '0x123::foo:Bar'
-  objects: [tx.object(objectId)],
+  elements: [tx.object(objectId)]
   ticket: tx.object(ticketId),
-  packageId: '0x123',
+  package: '0x123'

Transaction types

The shapes of the following types have change. We expect that for most use-cases, this will not require any migration because these types represent values created by other parts of the SDK that have been updated to return the new format


The getPureSerializationType utility function has been removed.


Bcs Types

Many of the BCS type definitions exported from the Typescript SDK have been updated to more closely align with the Rust definitions. If you were using these types to parse transactions from BCS, you may find that some of the data structures have been updated.

We have also removed some redundant exports that mirror the exported BCS types. These types often conflicted with other types in the Typescript SDK, leading to confusion about which version to use.

The correct way to get Typescript types for the exported BCS types is to use the $inferType type helper:

import { bcs } from '@mysten/sui/bcs';
function callArg(arg: typeof bcs.CallArg.$inferType) {
	// ...


The typescript SDK no longer uses superstruct for type validation, so the is and assert helpers have been removed.


The publicKeyFromSuiBytes has been moved to @mysten/sui/verify

- import { publicKeyFromSuiBytes } from '@mysten/sui/multisig'
+ import { publicKeyFromSuiBytes } from '@mysten/sui/verify'


The methods for verifying signatures have been renamed

- import {
-   verifyTransactionBlock
-   verifyPersonalMessage
- } from '@mysten/sui/verify'
+ import {
+   verifyTransactionSignature
+   verifyPersonalMessageSignature
+ } from '@mysten/sui/verify'


The signData method has been removed from Signers and Keypair classes. Use sign instead.

- keypair.signData(data)
+ await keypair.sign(data)

For some keypair implementations, the signPersonalMessage method incorrectly returned a BCS encoded version of the signed message. All signPersonalMessage implementations now correctly return the unwrapped bytes of the message that was signed


The Registry

We have removed the previously deprecated registry from the BCS library. The registry was removed from the documentation when BCS was re-written last year, and is now being removed entirely.

The registry was dependent on side-effects to register type definitions, and had no way to enforce type-safety. The new BCS API works much better in bundlers, and provides great type-safety when parsing an serializing BCS data.

Size limits

Previously the size option was used both as an initial size and a maximum size when creating a bcs writer instance. We replaced the size option with a new initialSize option, and have updated maxSize to default to Infinity rather than defaulting to size.

new methods on BcsType

We have added fromBase64, fromBase58, and fromHex methods to BcsType instances, making it easier to parse BCS data from various string encodings.


We previously deprecated the generic helper exported from @mysten/bcs. This helper has now been entirely removed.


We have updated the typescript types associated with BCS enum types to simplify working with parsed enums in typescript. Parsed enums now have a $kind property that can be used to discriminate between enum variants. Checking properties of the enum type now works without using the in operator:

const MyEnum = bcs.enum('MyEnum', {
	Variant0: bcs.u16(),
	Variant1: bcs.u8(),
	Variant2: bcs.string(),
const parsed = MyEnum.deserialize(data);
// Discriminate using the $kind property
if (parsed.$kind === 'Variant0') {
	parsed.Variant0; // type is number
// We can also directly the enum properties
if (parsed.Variant0 !== undefined) {
	parsed.Variant0; // type is number


The options passed to KioskTransaction and TransferPolicyTransaction have been updated to replace transactionBlock with transaction.

- const kioskTransaction = new KioskTransaction({ transactionBlock, ...otherOptions })
+ const kioskTransaction = new KioskTransaction({ transaction, ...otherOptions })
- const transferPolicyTransaction = new TransferPolicyTransaction({ transactionBlock, ...otherOptions })
+ const transferPolicyTransaction = new TransferPolicyTransaction({ transaction, ...otherOptions })

The options passed to resolveRuleFunction have also been updated to pass the transaction rather than the transactionBlock.

- resolveRuleFunction({ transactionBlock }) => { ... }
+ resolveRuleFunction({ transaction }) => { ... }


The Enoki SDK has been updated to replace TransactionBlock terminology with Transaction throughout the API:

- enokiFlow.sponsorAndExecuteTransactionBlock({ transactionBlock })
+ enokiFlow.sponsorAndExecuteTransaction({ transaction })
- enokiFlow.sponsorTransactionBlock({ transactionBlock })
+ enokiFlow.sponsorTransaction({ transaction })
- enokiFlow.executeTransactionBlock({ ... })
+ enokiFlow.executeTransaction({ ... })
- enokiClient.createSponsoredTransactionBlock({ transactionBlockKindBytes })
+ enokiClient.createSponsoredTransaction({ transactionKindBytes })
- enokiClient.executeSponsoredTransactionBlock({ ... })
+ enokiClient.executeSponsoredTransaction({ ... })



The useSignTransactionBlock has been named to useSignTransaction and now returns bytes instead of transactionBlockBytes

- const { signTransactionBlock } = useSignTransactionBlock()
+ const { signTransaction } = useSignTransaction()
- const { signature, transactionBlockBytes } = await signTransactionBlock({ transactionBlock })
+ const { signature, bytes } = await signTransaction({ transaction })


The useSignAndExecuteTransactionBlock has been named to useSignAndExecuteTransaction and redesigned to work the the updated wallet-standard methods.

useSignAndExecuteTransaction no-longer accepts the options passed to suiClient.executeTransactionBlock for returning additional data.

By default useSignAndExecuteTransactionBlock will now return an object with the transaction digest and the bcs encoded transaction effects:

const { signAndExecuteTransaction } = useSignAndExecuteTransaction()
const { digest, effects } = await signAndExecuteTransaction({ transaction })

To fetch additional data, you can provide a customized execute function:

- const { digest, objectChanges } = await signAndExecuteTransactionBlock({
-   transactionBlock: transaction,
-   options: {
-     showObjectChanges: true,
- })
+ const { digest, objectChanges } = await signAndExecuteTransaction({
+ 	transaction,
+ 	execute: async ({ bytes, signature }) =>
+ 		await suiClient.executeTransactionBlock({
+ 			transactionBlock: bytes,
+ 			signature,
+ 			options: {
+ 				// Raw effects are required so the effects can be reported back to the wallet
+ 				showRawEffects: true,
+ 				// Select additional data to return
+ 				showObjectChanges: true,
+ 			},
+ 		}),
+ });

When using a custom execute function, the you must return the rawEffects by setting showRawEffects to true if using suiClient.executeTransactionBlock, or by returning an object matching { effects: { bcs: string } }` with the base64 encoded bcs effects when using a GraphQL query to execute the transaction.

This change decouples the useSignAndExecuteTransaction hook from a specific RPC API implementation, and will enable migration to GraphQL without additional breaking changes in this hook.


The getSentTransactionBlocksWithLinks method has been renamed to getSentTransactionsWithLinks, and all methods that previously accepted a transactionBlock option now accept a transaction instead instead.

- import { getSentTransactionBlocksWithLinks, ZkSendLinkBuilder } from '@mysten/zksend'
+ import { getSentTransactionsWithLinks, ZkSendLinkBuilder } from '@mysten/zksend'
  const tx = new Transaction();
  const link = new ZkSendLinkBuilder({
    sender: '0x...',
-   transactionBlock: tx,
+   transaction: tx,


New wallet-standard features

We have added 3 new features to the wallet standard designed to allow efficient execution of Transactions in wallets without waiting for previous transactions to be indexed in the wallets RPC API.

For more details on how wallets can take advantage of these features, see the wallet-standard documentation (opens in a new tab).

The old sui:signTransactionBlock and sui:signAndExecuteTransactionBlock methods have been deprecated in favor of the new sui:signTransaction and sui:signAndExecuteTransaction methods, but wallets should continue to implement these deprecated methods until the new methods have been broadly adopted by dapps.


2 new helpers have been added to make it easier for dapps to handle wallets that have implemented either the new or old wallet-standard methods: signTransaction and signAndExecuteTransaction.

import { signAndExecuteTransaction, signTransaction } from '@mysten/wallet-standard';
const { signature, bytes } = await signTransaction(wallet, { transaction });
const { digest, effects } = await signAndExecuteTransaction(wallet, { transaction });